Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Media Project

Innovator’s Statement

One of the most useful things I learned from this assignment was finding the right innovation that fit perfectly with my client. Once I figured out what activities my client could complete with his upper and lower extremities, I was able to use my materials to create something meaningful and therapeutic for him. Craig used to work 70 hours per week owning his own music store, so I wanted to incorporate music and business into his therapeutic innovation. I took the brown paper bag and created CD and DVD pouches that Craig would be able to slide or push CDs into. This is where the “ah-ha” moment came into play.

From this assignment, I learned how to take an ordinary item and transform it into a therapeutic medium that is useful and meaningful to my client. I believe having prior knowledge of spinal cord injuries and deficits at those specific injuries helped me tremendously. I was able to find what Craig could perform and areas he would need assistance. Also from this project I have learned that most items we have within arms reach can be adapted and used for a therapeutic purpose. I believe creating the CD pouches and sleeves are a simple solution that is easily teachable. Lastly, completing this assignment will help me become a more adaptable occupational therapist. I know looking back to this assignment will help me when I am working with clients and need to think on my feet about a quick, adaptable intervention. When you have a client that needs a simple solution specifically catered to their occupations and wants, sometimes you have to be able to create something out of nothing.

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Post-Interview Reflection